
Recently Bob Bates went back to Ambullua and has started to improve the upper reaches of the track. Now what used to take several hours is done much more quickly with less loss in altitude. Jack and his fellow villagers have been working for several days in the sun, wind and rain to build the track. They plan to stay there for a couple of weeks to well entruly finish the track. This will make the track easier and quicker to walk on


Air Niugini published an article in their inflight Magazine "Paradise" with a description of the track


The first group of hikers arrive in Ambullua to do the Wilhelm Traverse. They were from SUBW (Sydney University Bushwalkers - pronounced "suboir"). They were greeted in magnificent style by the excited villagers. Everyone Made it to the summit on an amazing day with spectacular views. Soon the SUBW trip report will be availible online as well as photos from the trip.


Last updated: 14/07/2001