Orchids in Papua New Guinea

An orchid lovers delight....

From the montane forests of the highlands to the tropical jungles of the coast and lowlands, Papua New Guinea is home to an indescribable array of beautiful orchids.


orchids_1.jpgThe country's rainforests provide such a vast and suitable home to these delicate flowers, that new species are still being regularily discovered.

Ambua Lodge and Rondon Ridge both have beautiful, well maintained orchid gardens on the lodge grounds and their impressive collections showcase many of the delicate high altitude species found in their areas.

The people of the Sepik also value their orchids and lovely specimens can be seen throughout the local villages as well as on the Karawari Lodge grounds. The larger varieties such as the Sepik Blue are spectacular specimens.

Bensbach Wildlife Lodge is also developing a collection of orchids on the grounds of the Lodge. They can also be seen during tours to neighbouring villages where the local people garden them in recognition of their beauty.

Comprehensive orchid lists are available for Ambua, Rondon Ridge and Karawari Lodges.

Below is a sample itinerary of our orchid tour:

- Land of 1000s Orchids

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